Kale Benefits: A Superfood for Your Skin

Photo by Laura Johnston
Of all the super healthy leafy greens, kale is the king.
Kale is loaded with vitamins A, C and K. It is not only good for your body but also helps to boost your skin health.
Kale is The world's most nutritious foods
A single cup, 67 grams, of raw kale contains the following nutrients for your skin:
Free radical and antioxidant for healthy skinVitamin A (beta-carotene) 206% DV (% Daily Value)
Magnesium 6% DV

Kale is Packed with Vitamins A, C, K for Skin
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is one of the three major antioxidant vitamins. It promotes wound healing, combats acne by sloughing away dead skin cells, helps to hydrate the skin effectively, minimises fine lines and wrinkles by boosting the production of protein collagen.
Vitamin C
Kale is packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C protects you from harmful radiation from the sun. Because vitamin C is an antioxidant it brightens your skin's appearance and gets rid of fine lines and free radicals.
Vitamin K
Kale is the world's best source of vitamin K.
Vitamin K helps to reduce dark circles under your eyes as it reduces the purple pigmentation. It also reduces wrinkles and fine lines since it can help to tighten the skin.